Hi there!


Did you know… You earn points on every order!

Did you also know you earn DOUBLE POINTS for autoship orders?  Once you've earned enough points, you can redeem points for coupons here and apply them to "one time orders." Just click "redeem points" and the coupon code will automatically be applied at checkout.  It's so easy to save money.  Stay tuned for more ways to earn points.

Your Auto-Ships

Your Orders

  • Loyalty Points: {{ loyaltyPoints }}

  • Loyalty Level: {{ loyaltyLevel }}

  • Loyalty Coupon: APPLIED! Redeem Points! Loading... Please wait while we generate your coupon. No redemption options. (Check again after your next order.)

Woof woof! Please wait at least 5 days after the last time you used a loyalty coupon to redeem a new coupon. If that's not the issue, contact us if the error persists so we can get it sorted out. Sorry!

(No dogs added.)

  • {{ dog.Call_Name }} edit {{ dog.Breed }}

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